Okay to send an email thank you letter after second interview? - after interview send email for brochure
I recently had a telephone conversation with a hiring manager. After the phone conversation, I sent an email to thank him. A few days later I was asked to come in a second interview with him and the team. Now I send a mail to the auditor or the manager, and I can send a note via e-mail? Also in attendance were two of the survey of the various states and could get his name. "The e-mail handlers using his full name?
I do not think that an e-mail thank you ... possibly the best in the correct action again, got a second interview, the first time Yes, go ahead and call the name of the hiring manager, politely explain that you send a thank you email and unfortunately, like, they have not their names. The person you see, like a great prospect who will try to do the job. Good luck, I hope to enjoy the work and!
Contact you for your interest, it is good to have a short e-mail note, you say, know how much you appreciate the opportunity and hope. than with a permanent connection and a better relationship between you and considered it.
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